
The Winner of the SKB 12 Guage Shotgun is…

Wayne Miller

And the Winner is…

Winchester Model 70 chambered in .280

Warren Franke of Fort Wayne

Congratulations Sara Miller of Roanoke

Winner of the Zeiss Binoculars

The goal of The X Count is to build a large state-of-the art Olympic Shooting facility.  In addition to accomodating the highest level of Olympic and collegiate competitions we also work with the most novice of young peole  serving youth primarily in Northeast Indiana and Northwest Ohio.  This facility will set the stage for similar opportunities across the country.  Monies donated will be deposited to the Midway USA Foundation, Shooting Trust.  The 2017 Midway match is 2:1.  The Midway match makes your donation go further and provides the donor with a strict level of accountability.  As we redefine youth shooting sports, youth shooters across the country will benefit from your generous contribution.